WISP6030 Basics of ecological compensation (1 cr)
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The course deals with biodiversity offsetting as part of the solution to the pressing environmental problems of our time, namely biodiversity loss and climate change. The course provides a basic understanding of the principles and practices that guide the technical implementation of offsets. Biodiversity offsetting has been in use in many countries for a long time, but in Finland it is a relatively recent development. This course will introduce you to the workings of our evolving offsetting system and the national legislation on voluntary biodiversity offsetting. The main actors involved in biodiversity offsetting and their role in the offsetting scheme will also be introduced. When implemented correctly, biodiversity offsetting is not greenwashing, and the course will show why. On completion of the course, students will be equipped to continue their studies into biodiversity offsetting calculation.
Learning outcomes
After completing this course, the student will:
Understand the objective of ecological compensation, i.e. halting the degradation of nature, as a necessary step in safeguarding the future of the biodiversity and the human species.
Can define ecological compensation and describe it as part of a set of conservation values and tools.
Be able to critically evaluate the use and effectiveness of ecological compensation in various social projects.
Be familiar with the main decisions affecting the technical implementation of voluntary ecological compensation and the related national legislation.
Identify the strengths and challenges of ecological compensation in conserving and enhancing biodiversity.
Study materials
Pääasiassa tekstimuotoista, suoraan oppimisalustalle päivitettävää materiaalia, itsenäisesti suoritettavia tehtäviä, joissa automaattinen arviointi, sekä luentovideoita