TTIP1006 Assessment and Promotion of Functional Capacity (3–5 cr)
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- Promoting functional capacity and the concepts of multidisciplinary rehabilitation
- Respiratory and circulatory fitness
- Walking and walking ability
- Posture control and sensory functions
- Psychological functioning
- ICF framework
- The potential of rehabilitation to promote functional capacity
- Current rehabilitation policies, strategies and best practice recommendations
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is for students to be able to:
- describe the basic concepts, theories and paradigms of functional capacity and rehabilitation
- identify different perspectives on functional capacity
- Identify the ICF framework as a model and classification of functional capacity
- explain how to measure and assess features that are relevant to body structure, performance and participation
- describe and assess the reproducibility and reliability of methods for measuring functional capacity
- understand the importance of standardisation for the reliability of measurements
- understand the principles of rehabilitation in maintaining and promoting functional capacity in different contexts
- evaluate key rehabilitation policies, strategies and best practice recommendations
Additional information
Terveystieteiden tutkinto-opiskelijat suorittavat opintojakson 5 op laajuisena. Sivuaineopiskelijat voivat suorittaa opintojakson 5 op laajuisena, jos demoissa on tilaa. Sivuaineopiskelijat voivat halutessaan suorittaa opintojakson myös 3 op laajuisena.
Terveystieteiden tutkinto-opiskelijoilla on ensisijainen oikeus suorittaa opintojakso, ja sivuaineopiskelijoita voidaan ottaa mukaan, mikäli mahtuu.
Luennot englanniksi ja demonstraatioissa yksi ryhmä englanniksi.
Avoin yliopisto:
Avoimessa yliopistossa opintojakso opiskellaan suomen kielellä ja 3 op laajuisena.
Description of prerequisites
LTKP1001 Elimistön toiminta levossa ja kuormituksessa
Study materials
Exam literature:
Article 1. Rehabilitation in health systems, WHO 2007
Article 2. Rehabilitation - Key For Health 21st Century, WHO
Article 3. Seijas et al. Rehabilitation in primary care for an ageing population. BMC Health Services Research_ (2024) 24:123