NEUS1300 Data Science and Advanced Python Concepts Workshop (1–10 cr)

Study level:
Advanced studies
Grading scale:
Responsible organisation:
Department of Psychology
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028

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Data science and advanced Python concepts workshop for neuroscience


The course focuses on hands-on data science with diverse dataset, including dataset from neuroscience,
cognitive science, vision, sound, language and text.
Students will review machine-learning related Python modules, and understand advanced Python
concepts. They will work to reproduce results that were published in a recent literature of the data
science or neuroscience community.

Learning outcomes

Students will obtain hands-on experience with building a data science pipeline, including collecting data,
data preprocessing, training a machine learning model, analyzing the results, and publishing open-
source code.

Learning outcomes:
1. Train and evaluate machine learning and deep learning models
2. Write clear and efficient code in Python
3. Demonstrate proficiency in fundamental concepts in machine learning, including supervised,
self-supervised and unsupervised learning
4. Apply data science and machine learning techniques to neuroscience-related data

Description of prerequisites

Students must have working knowledge of Python programming language. This means they
have already completed a course where home assignments were done in Python.
2. Students should have completed, or currently participate in, a course in machine leaning. For
example, neural networks (27-504) or equivalent courses.

Study materials

Machine Learning and Pattern recognition, C. Bishop (2006)
Deep Learning, I. Goodfellow and Y. Bengio (2015)
The Elements of Statistical Learning, T. Hastie et al. (2001)

Completion methods

No completion methods