MUSS2006 Assessment and Evaluation in Music Therapy (5 cr)

Study level:
Advanced studies
Grading scale:
English, Finnish
Responsible organisation:
Department of Music, Art and Culture Studies
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028


The course will cover theoretical perspectives and practical implementation methods for the assessment and evaluation in music therapy. The course will address the information obtained through music therapy assessment and its analysis in the contexts of research and therapy practice. Music therapy assessment and evaluation will also be discussed as part of interdisciplinary and multiprofessional work, highlighting the contribution it makes to diverse healthcare and rehabilitation practices. Assessment will be examined from multiple perspectives in the course, including symptoms, functioning, quality of life, resources, and potentials. Participants will familiarise themselves with various methodological sources of information for assessment and evaluation, such as questionnaires and inventories, self-assessments, interviewing, observation, tests/measurements, and especially, examining different forms of musical experiences. 

Learning outcomes

After completing the course student:

- Has gained an understanding of the methods of music therapy for generating new information about a person's health, therapeutic needs, potentials of music therapy, and therapeutic change.

- Is acquainted with various strategies for music therapy assessment and evaluation, and is able to choose appropriate implementation methods to be used.

- Is able to integrate different sources of information, such as health background information, knowledge provided by other (health care) professionals, and information generated through music therapy approaches and methods.

- Is able to use diverse information to form a comprehensive understanding of therapeutic needs, therapy goals, and suitable methods to achieve and monitor therapeutic change.

- Is able to perceive the similarities and differences in procedures for music therapy assessment and evaluation in the contexts of research and clinical practice. 

Additional information

Recommended to be taken in second year of master’s studies. 

Description of prerequisites

For students with prior knowledge of music therapy, attending to this course is suitable at any point during their master’s studies. Students who have not previously studied music therapy are recommended to take the courses Näkökulmia musiikkiterapiaan (MUTA2001) and Musiikkiterapian lähestymistapoja ja menetelmiä(MUTY2003) before attending to this advanced level music therapy course.  

Study materials

Bruscia, K. (2023). Assessment in Music Therapy: Options and Resources. Barcelona Publishers.

Additional materials given during the course, including the relevant materials chosen by the student. 

Completion methods

Method 1

Evaluation criteria:
Participation in contact teaching. Active participation (at least 80%) in teaching, assignments completed with approval.
Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods

Participation in teaching (5 cr)

Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
English, Finnish
No published teaching