MUSA2003 Music & Computing 1 (5 cr)
This course provides a practical introduction to creating sound and multimedia environments using computer software. Topics include MIDI, sound synthesis, computer music composition, and interface design for Music and Science research.
Learning outcomes
After completing the course the student is able to:
Define the principal components of a digital audio system
Develop music-based environments with Max
Develop music-based environments with Sonic Pi or other text-based language
Program an application used for data collection within a Music and Science (i.e. empiricaly musicology) context.
Additional information
Second or third year
Description of prerequisites
MUSP2001 Introduction to Music Technology (5 cr) or similar.
Study materials
Materials and software are available to students through the Department of Music, Art and Cultural Studies. However, students can benefit from purchasing a personal student license for the Max software for the duration of the course.