MUSA1012 Bachelor's Thesis and Seminar (10 cr)
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to carry out small-scale research and participate in scientific debate
be familiar with the different stages of the research process and be able to schedule their own research process
select and define a research topic on the basis of previous research and draw up a plan for carrying out the research
obtain information from the main sources of information relevant to their research topic and critically evaluate the source material
identify key research ethical principles and apply them in their own research process and assess the ethicality of research
apply research methods relevant to their chosen discipline in answering research questions
prepare a research report in accordance with the conventions of their discipline
present their research, justify their choices and assess the reliability and relevance of their research findings
constructively and critically evaluate the work of others
Additional information
Ajoitus: 3. opintovuosi. Esitietovaatimus: MUPP2002 Musiikintutkimuksen perusteet (5 op). Opintojakson yhteydessä suoritetaan LIB1THP Tiedonhankinnan perusteet (1 op)
Compulsory prerequisites
- Prerequisite group 1