LTKS1020 Advanced Theory of Science and Research Ethics (3 cr)
The lectures deal with the key ontological and epistemological problems of sport and health research, responsible conduct of research, ethical aspects of research related to the different stages of research, ethical principles of research with human participants, ethical review of research, basics of data management and processing of personal data in scientific research. The seminar deals with ethical problems often encountered in sport and health research. On the basis of lectures and seminars, students examine ontological, epistemological, research ethics and data management questions related to their Master's thesis or a research topic of their choice.
Learning outcomes
On completion of the course, the student
- will be able to identify and reflect on philosophical and ethical problems related to scientific research and especially to one's Master's thesis
- has deepened their understanding of the different ontological and epistemological starting points of exercise, sports and health research
- is familiar with the ethical principles of research with human participants, guidelines defining responsible conduct of research and the ethical review process
- masters the secure processing of personal data in research
- is aware of the ethical principles related to research reporting and the consequences of research misconduct
- has internalised the importance of following the responsible conduct of research as a guarantee of the societal appreciation of science.
Additional information
It is recommended that the course be taken at the same time as the Master's thesis seminars. The course is implemented in Finnish in period 2 and in English in period 3.
Study materials
The course materials consist of exam literature, materials distributed and used in lectures, online training on the processing of personal data in scientific research and the guidelines on responsible conduct of research issued by the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity.
The book exam is taken in Exam and one of the works mentioned below is examined. The exam is open in periods 1-5.
Clarkeburn, H. & Mustajoki, A. 2007. Tutkijan arkipäivän etiikka. Tampere: Vastapaino. (319 s.) ISBN: 978-951-768-284-8 / 9789517682121 nidottu.
Mustajoki, A. S. & Mustajoki, H. 2017. A new approach to research ethics: Using guided dialogue to strengthen research communities. Routledge, London, New York.