KUMS002 Expertise in Cultural Sectors (5 cr)
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Completion methods
Taught course. Customised independent study.
During the course, students collate the elements they need for a career path following study at KUMU and create the tools for job-seeking and the transition to employment. The course consists of three parts: creating a CV with support, creating a skills portfolio and practising applying for jobs at a careers fair held in collaboration with alumni.
Assessment criteria
Participation in teaching and events, as well as written and oral assignments. Customised independent study.
Learning outcomes
On completion of the course, students will
understand the demands and challenges of working life,
be able to define cultural expertise on the basis of research,
have prepared a career plan, including a CV, portfolio and job application; and
be able to reflect on their own expertise and competences
Additional information
Taught study module. Independent work on written assignments is possible in special cases.
Study materials
Jakonen, Mikko. 2017. Asiantuntijuus digiajalla. https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/70151
Jakonen, Mikko. 2017. Tulevaisuuden asiantuntijuutta etsimässä. Helsinki: Eduskunnan Tulevaisuusvaliokunta.
Isopahkala-Bouret, Ulpukka. 2008. ”Asiantuntijuus kokemuksena.” Aikuiskasvatus 28(2): 84─92.
Tynjälä, Päivi. 2004. ”Asiantuntijuus ja työkulttuurit opettajan ammatissa.” Kasvatus 35(2): 174─190.
Pyykkönen, M., Kumpulainen, K. & Vierimaa, S. (2019) Työn muutoksen haasteet kulttuurialan korkeakoulutuksen työelämäpedagogiikalle. Ammattikasvatuksen aikakauskirja 4/2019, 45─61.