KUMA006 Doing cultural research (5 cr)
The study course discusses the research process and the relationship of the different stages of the process to the whole. In addition, we will get to know the methods and materials used in cultural research.
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student will:
be able to identify the different stages of the research process
know how the research questions, theoretical framework, materials and methods are related to each other and are part of the research process
know the various qualitative and quantitative research methods and research materials applied in the study of cultures
know what research ethics means and identify ethical issues related to the research process
Additional information
Taught course. Independent work on written assignments is possible in special cases.
Study materials
Fingerroos, Outi, Kajander, Konsta & Lappi, Tiina-Riitta (toim.), Kulttuurien tutkimuksen menetelmät.
Jokinen, Arja ym. 2016: Diskurssianalyysi - Teoriat, peruskäsitteet ja käyttö. Sivut 1–104.
Tuomi, Jouni & Sarajärvi, Anneli 2018: Laadullinen tutkimus ja sisällönanalyysi. Luvut 1 (sivut 13–63), 3 ja 4 (sivut 83–146).
Vilkka, Hanna 2007: Tutki ja mittaa. Määrällisen tutkimuksen perusteet. Osa 1 (sivut 7–102).