KTKO1007 Introduction to Digital Technologies for Learning (3 cr)
Core concepts and phenomena of information and communication technology. Digital competence in attaining and managing information, communication and collaboration, privacy, security and ethics. Designing and creating digital content. Self-evaluation and development of personal digital competencies. Digital competencies in the field of Education.
Learning outcomes
Upon completing the course the student will be able to:
Choose and use digital technologies to support personal studies
Create and develop digital content utilizing technology
Evaluate and develop personal digital competence
Understand the characteristics and opportunities of digital learning environments and their possibilities in communication and interaction
Know the characteristics of digital competence in their own professional domain
Additional information
Opintojakson suorittamisen tapa/tavat kuvataan tarkemmin Sisussa kunkin lukuvuoden opetusohjelmassa.
Description of prerequisites
Ei esitietovaatimuksia.
Study materials
Muuta oppimateriaalia, joka tarkennetaan opintojakson toteutuksen yhteydessä.