KOPS1004 Disciplinary language and literacy in teaching (5 cr)

Study level:
Advanced studies
Grading scale:
Responsible organisation:
Department of Language and Communication Studies
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028

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The course introduces students to disciplinary language and literacy in teaching and challenges current perspectives on language and learning.


The course introduces students to disciplinary language and literacy in teaching, where the aim is the simultaneous learning of language and content in an integrated manner. The aim is to present different approaches that integrate the teaching and learning of language and content and how the discussions related to them are intertwined with the changes in different socio-political contexts and the field of language studies. The course focuses on teaching language in content-based lessons beyond language lessons and independent of the medium of instruction and students’ linguistic backgrounds. Approaching language and content learning from such a perspective offers new avenues to the development of teaching disciplinary language and literacy practices.

Learning outcomes

After competing the course, students will

  • be familiar with different theoretical and methodological approaches that advocate the subject-specific nature of language and literacy practices,
  • understand how content-based teaching and learning challenges current conceptions of language and learning,
  • understand how genres and subject-specific ways of using language shape language practices,
  • be able to reflect on the relationship between language and content in different pedagogical environments, e.g., immersion, CLIL, Finnish as a second language and L1 teaching, and
  • be able to develop tasks and learning modules that pay attention to subject-specific language practices together with colleagues.

Description of prerequisites

It is highly recommended that students have taken KLSA124 / KOPA1000 Johdatus kielen oppimisen ja opettamisen tutkimukseen, but it is not obligatory.

Recommended prerequisites

Study materials

Required readings will be announced in the learning environment of the course.

Completion methods

Method 1

Contact teaching, group work, final report. Attendance policy: 80%
Evaluation criteria:
The course assessment is based on active participation during lessons, which is evaluated by both teachers and students themselves. In addition, students will do a small-scale group project, the findings of which they need to present both orally in class and in writing. More detailed information on the assessment criteria for each grade will be given in writing in the first meeting of the course.
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Parts of the completion methods

Teaching (5 cr)

Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
Evaluation criteria:
Kurssiarviointi pohjaa oppilaiden aktiiviseen tuntiosallistumiseen, joka perustuu opettajan arvioon ja opiskelijoiden itsearvioon osallistumisestaan. Tämän lisäksi opiskelijat tekevät pienimuotoisen ryhmätehtävän, jota he esittelevät suullisesti ja josta he kirjoittavat loppuraportin.
Study methods:

Kontaktiopetus, ryhmätyöskentely, loppuraportti. 

Study materials:

Lista luettavista artikkeleista ilmoitetaan kurssin opintoympäristössä.

No published teaching