KEMS9555 Master's Thesis (20 cr)
Written thesis for the Master's degree, which introduces a research topic related to learning chemistry. Teaching research methods suitable for research questions are used as research methods.
Learning outcomes
After completing the Master's thesis, the student masters the subject area of the thesis and is able to plan, implement and report on his or her research in accordance with the scientific practice in the field. The student; is able to formulate a research problem and define a research topic, is able to obtain relevant information from publications in the field, is able to reasonably frame the material and evaluate it critically. The student; masters the different stages of research, is able to choose the right research methods and apply them reasonably to his / her research topic. The student masters chemical research methods in the field and is able to analyze the research results and relate them to existing knowledge. In addition, the development of pedagogical subject management is one of the learning objectives. The student is able to research and find out how to learn and understand chemistry in teaching work.
Additional information
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Description of prerequisites
It is good to complete advanced studies in chemistry as much as possible before you start to do Master's Thesis.