KEMS531 Introduction to Material Chemistry (4 cr)
Study level:
Advanced studies
Grading scale:
English, Finnish
Responsible organisation:
Department of Chemistry
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028
The course introduces the basic concepts of material chemistry from the perspective of organic chemistry and nanomaterials
- Basic concepts of material chemistry and classification of materials.
- The factors affecting the material properties
- Basics of polymer chemistry: synthesis, classification, structure and properties
- Polymers in environment, biodegradable and biocompatible polymers
- Non-covalent polymers and polymer-like compounds
- Gels
- Liquid crystals
- Self-assembling layers and surfaces
- Hybrid materials, composites and nanomaterials
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student
- Can use material chemistry concepts and terminology
- Understands the factors influencing the structures and the properties of materials and the co-dependence between the structure and properties.
- Understands the significance of material properties in applications.
- Can classify different materials based on their structure and properties.
- Masters the essential synthesis methods for polymers, composites, and hybrid materials.
- Can analyze and identify the properties of polymers and potential applications based on these properties.
- Understands the principles of gelation, liquid crystals, and self-organisation.
- Understands the fundamental properties and structure dependence of hybrid materials.
- Can analyse the environmental impact of materials and consider the development of materials from a sustainability perspective.
- Understands the significance of materials chemistry for the environment and humans.
- Masters the planning of work, tasks, and time allocation and adheres to agreed-upon schedules.
- Can integrate and apply material chemistry concepts in a broader context.
- Can independently acquire information and expand their knowledge base.
- Can respond to given tasks and problem sets in writing in Finnish or English and justify their answers and opinions.
- Can use correct terminology and concepts in Finnish or English.
- Understands ethical and environmental issues related to the course topic and can reflect on their impact on both local and global levels, as well as consider possible solutions to problems.
Additional information
An online course.
Description of prerequisites
Intermediate studies in chemistry or bachelor level studies in nanoscience. Intermediate studies in organic chemistry strongly recommended.
Compulsory prerequisites
- Prerequisite group 1
- Prerequisite group 2
Study materials
- J.G. Smith, Organic Chemistry 4th-5th edition, Ch. 31, 6th edition Ch. 28
- J.W. Steed, J.L. Atwood, Supramolecular Chemistry, 2023, 3rd edition, suitable parts
Completion methods
Method 1
Evaluation criteria:
The course includes learning exercises and self-evaluation. To be accepted (grade 1) at least 50% of the maximum points should be achieved including at least one accepted exercise from each topic.
Time of teaching:
Period 2, Period 4, Period 3, Period 5, Period 1
Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods
Online course (4 cr)
Independent study
Grading scale:
English, Finnish
Study methods:
learning and self-assessment assignments in an online environment
9/15–11/30/2024 Online teaching
Enrolment closedTeaching ended
1/15–7/31/2025 Online teaching
Enrolment openTeaching ongoing