JYUM005 International Student Tutoring / Exchange and Visiting Students (2 cr)

Study level:
Other studies
Grading scale:
Pass - fail
Responsible organisation:
University Services
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028

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You must apply for the credits. There is no teaching in this course. Read more about international student tutoring at http://r.jyu.fi/tutoring.



Training preparing for the tasks of an international student tutor. Training and a networking event are organized for international student tutors. Attending the training days is compulsory, but the networking event is optional. A feedback event is also organized for the tutors.

The contents of the training include the duties and responsibilities of a tutor, the university community, intercultural communication, advising and leading an international group of students, welcoming international students upon arrival as well as the practicalities related to international students and the services provided for them. In addition, current issues and challenges will be discussed during the training. International student tutors will be supported throughout their tutoring work. Feedback will be gathered and discussed upon in the feedback event.

Completion methods

The following is required in order to complete the study module successfully:

- Tutoring an group of international exchange and visiting students at the beginning of the semester
- Participating in the international student tutor training.
- Preparing a report of the international student tutoring. The report should be two-three pages long and should answer at least to the following questions:

- When, how often and to whom has the student acted as an international student tutor?
- What was included in the duties?
- What has the student learned from acting as a tutor, e.g. communication skills, international experience, cooperation skills?
- How can the student make use of the experience in the future?
- In the student's opinion, how should student tutoring be developed?

In addition, the student should reflect upon acting as a tutor from the point of view of the learning outcomes of the degree. The report is to be returned to the head of academic affairs of the faculty.

Learning outcomes

After having completed the international student tutor training the participant
- knows what their duties and responsibilities as a tutor are
- knows how to tutor an international group of students and to plan the international student tutoring activities as well as how to work in cooperation with the other international student tutors
- knows how and where to search for answers and solutions to problems as well as to guide the international students to do the same
- knows how to advise international students in practical questions related to the university and the living surroundings
- knows how to take into consideration cultural differences in their communication and actions
- knows how to take accessibility and equality into account in their work with the international students

Additional information

Completion methods

Method 1

You must apply for the credits. There is no teaching in this course. Read more about international student tutoring at http://r.jyu.fi/tutoring.
Evaluation criteria:
In order to get a pass grade, you are required to act as a student tutor for international students, take part in the international student tutor training and to write a report on international student tutoring.
Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods

You must apply for the credits. There is no teaching in this course. (2 cr)

Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
Pass - fail
No published teaching