HYTJ1203 Theory of Science III (1–5 cr)

Study level:
Postgraduate studies
Grading scale:
Pass - fail
English, Finnish
Responsible organisation:
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028


General theory of science or other appropriate theoretical studies

Learning outcomes

The doctoral student

  • knows the basic concepts of scientific theories and their content related to research activities
  • understands the scientific mindset and how science seeks to describe, explain and understand different research topics
  • understands the characteristics of and minimum conditions for scientific activity and is able to evaluate research activities from the point of view of scientific theoretical thinking

Additional information

Teaching language(s) and learning language(s): Finnish, English or other language used in this scientific community

Modes of completion: The mode of completion may be (1) courses or other equivalent studies at the level of doctoral studies or advanced studies, (2) an independent mode of completion agreed with the supervisor-in-charge, such as an essay or a learning diary, or (3) a conference presentation, paper or poster or a scientific publication. (Note: The mode of completion cannot be an article included in an article-based dissertation or a section of a dissertation.) For conference participation, a pass requires participating in the conference and presenting your research through a presentation, paper or poster. You can earn credits for conferences as follows: 1 ECTS credit for a national conference and 2 ECTS credits for an international conference. Typical ECTS credits for publications: a peer-reviewed scientific publication 2–5 ECTS credits and other scientific publication 1–2 ECTS credits.

Assessment criteria: Assignments are assessed on the basis of how the doctoral student masters the contents of the study unit and achieves the learning outcomes of the study unit. A pass requires that the assignments are completed successfully. If there is contact teaching included, active participation in the class and successful completion of any other assignments indicated in the teaching is also required.

Study materials

The teacher of the course or equivalent will assign possible literature and/or other materials.

Completion methods

Method 1

The mode of completion may be (1) courses or other equivalent studies at the level of doctoral studies or advanced studies, (2) an independent mode of completion agreed with the supervisor-in-charge, such as an essay or a learning diary, or (3) a conference presentation, paper or poster or a scientific publication. (Note: The mode of completion cannot be an article included in an article-based dissertation or a section of a dissertation.) For conference participation, a pass requires participating in the conference and presenting your research through a presentation, paper or poster. You can earn credits for conferences as follows: 1 ECTS credit for a national conference and 2 ECTS credits for an international conference. Typical ECTS credits for publications: a peer-reviewed scientific publication 2–5 ECTS credits and other scientific publication 1–2 ECTS credits.
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Participation in teaching (1–5 cr)

Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
Pass - fail
English, Finnish
No published teaching