HISA1007 History of Childhood and Family (5 cr)
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The course explores the diversity and gendered nature of the Western family and its conceptions, with a particular focus on the changing role of children as members of the family and society at large.
Learning outcomes
On completion of the course, the student will
- understand the social, cultural and historical variability of meanings given to the family
- understand the gendered nature of perceptions and expectations of family members
- can critically assess and analyse changing perceptions of children and childhood
- recognise the social regulation of childhood and the family
- have developed their communication and argumentation skills
- acquired skills in analysing information and the ability to grasp broad issues
- gained experience in project skills by planning their own activities and time management
Additional information
Study materials
For online and contact courses, the learning material is the material indicated at the beginning of the course.
Examine the following works:
Fass, Paula S., & Grossberg, Michael (eds) (2012) Reinventing childhood after World War II. University of Pennsylvania Press.
French, Anna (ed.) (2020) Early Modern Childhood: An Introduction. London: Routledge.
Lahtinen, Anu & Ilmakunnas, Johanna (toim.) (2021) Perheen jäljillä — Perhesuhteiden moninaisuus Pohjolassa 1400-2020. Tampere: Vastapaino.
Olsen, Stephanie (ed.) (2015) Childhood, Youth and Emotions in Modern History: National, Colonial and Global Perspectives. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Vehkalahti, Kaisa, et al., (toim.) (2022) Matkaopas lapsuuden historian tutkimukseen: Multitieteisiä näkökulmia ja menetelmiä. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura.