FYSS4515 Applied Quantum Field Theory (11 cr)

Study level:
Advanced studies
Grading scale:
Responsible organisation:
Department of Physics
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028


  • Path-integral quantization and Feynman rules through discretization of space time

  • Generating functionals and Feynman rules without discretization, effective action
  • Symmetries in the path-integral language, Schwinger-Dyson equations, Ward identities
  • Quantum anomalies, Adler-Bell-Jackiw anomaly, Adler-Bardeen theorem
  • Path integral for gauge fields, Faddeev-Popov trick, ghost fields, Haar measure
  • Systematics of renormalization, renormalization conditions, renormalized perturbation theory, renormalization schemes, renormalization of QED to one loop, 2-loop calculations
  • Renormalization group equations and their solutions, beta functions, scale dependence of coupling constants and masses
  • Wilson's approach to renormalization
  • Quantum Chromodynamics, SU(3) symmetry, QCD Feynman rules, Bechhi-Rouet-Stora transformation, Slavnov-Tayloer identities, gauge invariance, renormalization of QCD to one loop, asymptotic freedom
  • Weak interactions, electroweak Lagrangian density, Higgs mechanism, Goldstone theorem, quantization of weak interactions

Learning outcomes

After this course, the student will

  • Understand the path-integral quantization and know how to use it to derive Feynman rules
  • Understand more thoroughly the notion of renormalization

  • Be able to apply renormalization methods to compute higher order corrections to scattering processes

  • Understand the meaning, the origin, and how to calculate the scale dependencies of couplings and masses
  • Understand the quantization of gauge fields and know how to apply them to scattering processes

  • Understand the meaning of the effective action and effective potential and know how to compute quantum corrections to them

  • Understand more deeply the quantization of electroweak theory and know how calculate observables predicted by the theory

  • Understand the origin of quantum anomalies and their meaning

Description of prerequisites

FYSS4510 Quantum Field Theory

Study materials

Lecture notes


  • Peskin & Schroder, An introduction to Quantum Field theory, Westview Press, ISBN 0-201-50397-2
  • Srednicki, Quantum field theory, Cambridge, ISBN 987-0-521-86449-7

Completion methods

Method 1

Given every other year, starting autumn 2024.
Evaluation criteria:
Weekly exercises and traditional exam or home exam.
Time of teaching:
Period 1, Period 2
Select all marked parts

Method 2

This completion method is for students for whom completion method 1 is not possible for specific reasons (e.g. language, distance learning, statement for special study arrangements). Contact the teacher before enrolling to the course via this completion method.
Evaluation criteria:
Exercises and exam.
Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods

Teaching (11 cr)

Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
Evaluation criteria:
<p>Weekly exercises and traditional exam or home exam.</p>



Independent study (11 cr)

Independent study
Grading scale:
Evaluation criteria:
Exercises and exam.
Study methods:

Self-study, exercises and exam. 

No published teaching