FYSS4510 Quantum Field Theory (11 cr)

Study level:
Advanced studies
Grading scale:
Responsible organisation:
Department of Physics
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028


    Course roughly covers first nine chapters from Peskin and Schroeder.

    • Classical field theories: Symmetries and conservation laws and Noethers theorem.
    • Free scalar theory: Canonical quantization. Greens functions and propagator.
    • Spin and quantization of fermion fields.
    • Discrete symmetries P,C and T.
    • Interacting field theories: S-matrix and cross sections.
    • The LSZ-reduction formalism. Perturbation theory: Wick theorem and Feynman rules.
    • Yukawa theory, QED and Static potentials. Examples of tree level scattering processes.
    • Path integrals: Schrodinger equation. PI-quantization of scalar and fermion fields. Perturbation expansion in PI-formalism, generating functions. Connection to statistical physics.
    • PI-Quantization of Abelian and non-Abelian gauge fields.
    • Renormalization and regularization: UV-divergences. Canonical mass, wave-function and coupling constant renormalization. The BPHZ-scheme.
    • Cut-off and Pauli-Villairs and dimensional regularization. S-matrix and renormalization.

    Learning outcomes

    After completing this course the student knows how to

    • Quantize free scalar theory and Dirac theory using canonical quantization

    • Form a perturbative series for interacting theories and derive their Feynman rules.

    • Compute scattering cross sections

    • Apply path integral (PI) methods to quantum field theory. Quantize gauge field theories using PI-metods.

    • Renormalize QED and scalar theory to one loop 

    Description of prerequisites

    • Particle Physics FYSS4301-302
    • FYSS7531-FYSS7532 Quantum Mechanics 2, parts A&B
    • MATA200 Complex calculus/FYSS7301 Complex analysis 

    or similar. 

    Study materials

    Lecture notes 


    • Peskin & Schroder, An introduction to Quantum Field theory, Westview Press, ISBN 0-201-50397-2.

    Completion methods

    Method 1

    Given every other year, starting autumn 2025.
    Evaluation criteria:
    50% of point required for passing the course, for example exercises 40% and midterm exams 60%.
    Time of teaching:
    Period 1, Period 2
    Select all marked parts
    Parts of the completion methods

    Teaching (11 cr)

    Participation in teaching
    Grading scale:
    Evaluation criteria:
    <p>50% of point required for passing the course, for example exercises 40% and midterm exams 60%.</p>
    No published teaching