FYSP0100 Quantum mechanics and theory of relativity for the layperson (2 cr)

Study level:
Basic studies
Grading scale:
Pass - fail
Responsible organisation:
Department of Physics
Coordinating organisation:
Open University
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028

Tweet text

Kurssi esittelee modernin fysiikan ihmeellisyyksiä kansantajuisella otteella — ja haastaa arkiset käsityksesi ajasta, paikasta ja materian luonteesta!


Knowledge of modern physics belongs to common knowledge. It forms the basis of the technological development and addressing the challenges of energy consumption and production and global warming. Still, there is very little modern physics content in the upper secondary school curriculum. This course complements the general education of high school physics studies and supports the preparation for matriculation examination regarding modern physics. The course focuses on illustrating the concepts of quantum mechanics and relativity theory with the help of simulations and simple mathematical models.

Contents of quantum mechanics:
  • A quantum mechanical state and its equation of motion
  • Bound states, imprecision principle and tunneling
  • Superposition and entanglement
  • Schrödinger's cat and quantum computing
Contents of the theory of relativity
  • Einstein's principle of relativity
  • Relativity of motion and time
  • Length contraction and time dilation
  • General relativity, gravitational waves, and black holes

Learning outcomes

The aim of the course is that the student
  • can describe the concept of a quantum mechanical state and its meaning
  • can describe the principles of probability interpretation of quantum mechanics
  • recognize the fundamental differences between classical mechanics and quantum mechanics
  • can explain the principle of relativity and describe its consequences
  • can justify the relative changes of time and length for moving observers
  • can describe the cosmological consequences of the principle of relativity

Additional information

Opintojakso on maksuton.

Description of prerequisites

  • Lukion laajan fysiikan sisällöt olennaisin osin.
  • Derivaatan hyvä hallinta, integroinnin hallinta on eduksi.
  • Koordinaatistot ja vektorit.

Study materials

Verkkomateriaalit, videoluennot, simulaatiot.  

Completion methods

Method 1

Opintojakso on maksuton.
Evaluation criteria:
Kurssin läpäisy edellyttää kaikkiin tehtäviin ja kyselyihin vastaamista ja molemmista osioista (kvanttimekaniikka ja suhteellisuusteoria) vähintään puolet pisteistä.
Time of teaching:
Period 5, Period 4, Period 3, Period 2, Period 1
Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods

Independent study (2 cr)

Independent study
Grading scale:
Pass - fail
