FYSA1082 Experimental Physics 2: Measurement Devices and Data Collection (1–3 cr)
Measuring techniques related to courses FYSP1040 Introduction to the theory of electricity and FYSP1050 Introduction to electromagnetism.
Designing experiments, selection of suitable sensors and detectors, implementation and documentation of measurements.
Gathering measurement data in various ways and assessing its reliability, effects of data collection frequency.
Reporting of experimental research and representation of results.
Errors and uncertainties in measurements and their propagation in calculations.
Learning outcomes
After the course student will be able to
- use basic instruments to measure physical quantities and justify instrument selection.
- plan various measurements taking advantage of physical models, different kinds of sensors, and data collection methods.
- create and interpret circuit diagrams and do electrical measurements.
- plan and implement long-term data collection, identify related problems, and manage experimental data in a secure way.
- classify sources of measurement uncertainty and present measurement result and its uncertainty.
- communicate research according to good scientific practice: written reporting of experimental setup, measurement results, and their reliability to target audience familiar with the topic.
- learn to use new devices and be open-minded even towards experiments of long duration.
- accept and account for uncertainties in measurements and their results.
Additional information
Kevätlukukausi. Työskentely opetusryhmissä 4-6 hengen pienryhmissä.
Description of prerequisites
FYSP1040 Sähköopin perusteet ja FYSP1050 Sähkömagnetismin perusteet, joita voidaan suorittaa samanaikaisesti tämän kurssin kanssa.
Compulsory prerequisites
- Prerequisite group 1
- Prerequisite group 2
- NANA1002 Nanoscience Tools (2 cr)Not published for this curriculum period
Recommended prerequisites
Study materials
Luentodiat ja mittausohjeet
- Olli Aumala. Mittaustekniikan perusteet. 13. painos, Helsinki: Otatieto, 2006.; ISBN: 978-9516723214
- John R. Taylor. An Introduction to Error Analysis: The Study of Uncertainties in Physical Measurements. 2. painos, Sausalito, California: University Science Books, 1997.; ISBN: 978-0-935702-42-3
Completion methods
Method 1
Method 2
Participation in teaching (1 cr)
Osallistuminen luennoille, kokeellinen työskentely opetusryhmissä ja itsenäiset mittaustehtävät.
Kurssin oppimateriaali on Moodle-oppimisympäristössä.