APEA535 Citizenship Education as a Challenge for Adult Educator (5 cr)
Study level:
Intermediate studies
Grading scale:
Pass - fail
Responsible organisation:
Department of Educational Sciences
Curriculum periods:
2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028
active and democratic citizenship
participative and deliberative democracy
growing towards global responsibility
eco-social BildungLearning outcomes
After completing the course the student
- understands meaning of citizenship education and is able to support active citizenship and participation in adult education contexts and practices
- understands interdependencies of voluntary communality and lifelong learning and is able to support action in equal learning communities
- participates and supports others to participate in societal discourses in order to create a sustainable educational system
Description of prerequisites
The course is only for students participating Pedagogical Studies for Adult Educators.
Study materials
ALHAINEN, K. 2016. Dialogi demokratiassa. Helsinki: Gaudeamus. (also as an e-book)
BRINKMAN, S. 2019. Mitä on olla ihminen? Filosofinen kiertomatka. Helsinki: Tammi.
JARVIS, P. 2008. Democracy, lifelong learning and the learning society: active citizenship in the late modern age. London: Taylor & Francis Ltd.
NUSSBAUM, M. 2011. Talouskasvua tärkeämpää. Miksi demokratia tarvitsee humanistista sivistystä? Helsinki: Gaudeamus.
PÄTÄRI, J., TERÄSAHDE, S., HARJU, A., MANNINEN, J. & HEIKKINEN, A. 2019. Vapaa sivistystyö eilen, tänään ja huomenna. Helsinki: Vapaa sivistystyö ry.
Extra learning material (articles and e-books)Completion methods
Method 1
Evaluation criteria:
Aktiivinen osallistuminen yhteisiin tapaamisiin ja oppimistehtävien tekeminen hyväksytysti
Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods
Teaching (5 cr)
Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
Pass - fail
3/5–4/10/2025 Small group teaching
Enrolment closedTeaching ongoing