APEA525 Different Interpretations of Being an Adult Educator (5 cr)
theories of teaching, guidance and supervision, especially from the perspective of adult learning
different roles of an adult educator
moral and ethical questions in adult educator’s workLearning outcomes
After completing the course the student
understands fundamental adult teaching, guidance and supervision theories and the philosophical foundations of them
understands interdependences and dynamics of teaching and learning processes
is able to apply one's own theoretical understanding about teaching, guidance and supervision in different educational contexts and practices
Description of prerequisites
Study materials
ATKINSON, T. & CLAXTON, G. (eds.) 2008. The Intuitive Practitioner. On the value of not knowing what one is doing. Berkshire: Open University Press.
BROOKFIELD, S. 2006. The skillful teacher: on technique, trust, and responsiveness in the classroom. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. (also as an e-book)
LAURSEN, P. F. 2006. Aito opettaja. Opas autenttiseen opettajuuteen. Keuruu: Otava.
ONNISMAA, J. Ohjaus- ja neuvontatyö. Aikaa, huomiota ja kunnioitusta. Helsinki: Gaudeamus. (also as an e-book)
PEAVY, R. V. 1999. Sosiodynaaminen ohjaus. Konstruktivistinen näkökulma 21. vuosisadan ohjaustyöhön. Helsinki: Psykologien Kustannus Oy. (also as an e-book)
VEHVILÄINEN, S. 2014. Ohjaustyön opas. Yhteistyössä kohti toimijuutta. Helsinki: Gaudeamus. (also as an e-book)
Extra learning material (articles and e-books)