MATSYVENG Advanced Studies in Mathematics (90+ op)

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Matematiikan ja tilastotieteen laitos
2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024
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This research-oriented master’s degree programme in Mathematics gives students expertise of the subject and the ability to apply scientific knowledge and methods in practice. The programme is divided in two lines of specialization:

Line 1: analysis and geometry, and

Line 2: probability and stochastics.

All students have general mandatory courses in Mathematics and mandatory studies of chosen line 1 or 2. The curriculum allows students to include freely chosen studies to their degree to strengthen their skills and knowledge according to their interests.


The graduate has received a general training in Mathematics on a Master’s degree level and deepened knowledge in one of the core fields of research carried out at the department. The graduate has learned modern methods in these fields and is prepared to apply them in practise or to continue with postgraduate studies.  A Master of Science in Mathematics

  • masters one’s own field of specialization and knows the essential concepts and theories of related fields of Mathematics
  • can solve mathematical problems independently
  • is interested and is able to follow scientific publications of the field of specialization
  • is able to work as a specialist or a manager
  • in able to organize and conduct work assignments
  • is able to work and make decisions independently and responsibly
  • has a wide understanding how mathematics is involved in everyday life and can justify the social impact of mathematics
  • is cooperative and ready to take responsibility
  • takes ethical questions seriously, follows ethical principles and tries to develop them further


Valitse kaikki (80+ op)