ECOSYVBES Advanced Studies in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (85 op)

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Bio- ja ympäristötieteiden laitos
2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024
Valinnaiset opinnot:


At the University of Jyväskylä, advanced studies in ecology and evolutionary biology are , based upon research that is carried out within the department. We make use of laboratory and small-group teaching and the studies also contain work-practice in research groups. Advanced studies in ecology and evolutionary biology are broad-based, giving you an understanding of evolution, ecology, genetics and applied ecology fields, and provide you with the skills to apply your knowledge to other fields, for example nature and environmental conservation. 




  • will know and be able to apply the theories and knowledge of their field.
  • are able to work as professionals in scientific tasks in the fields of ecology, genetics and evolutionary biology.



  • work in accordance with good scientific practice and following ethical principles
  • can acquire the latest information in their field
  • are able to critically evaluate available knowledge
  • understand scientific texts and are able to engage in scientific discussion
  • fulfill their duties responsibly and respect ethical and work-safety norms
  • have a good knowledge of Finnish nature
  • plan and conduct a research project while working in a research group and communicate their findings both in a written thesis and verbally.
  • are ready to continue post-graduate education in their own field.
  • can recognize their skills and knowledge and relate these to their career goals.
  • value and motivated to continue development of their professional skills.



  • are able to communicate and work well with others and can communicate their knowledge to others both orally and in writing.
  • are cooperative and motivated to learn and apply their knowledge in order to find creative solutions to problems.  


Valitse kaikki (75+ op)