KAHVA1002 Conditions, Locations and Negotations of Arts and Culture (5 cr)
Study level:
Intermediate studies
Grading scale:
Responsible organisation:
Department of History and Ethnology
Curriculum periods:
2022-2023, 2023-2024
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Kurssilla perehdytään kulttuurialan hallinnon ja rahoitusjärjestelmien keskeisiin periaatteisiin ja toimintatapoihin.
This course will familiarise students with the key principles and practices of and current developments in cultural administration. The course examines different levels of administrative and funding systems, as well as the role of contracts, programmes and strategies in the field of culture. In the course, students will learn about the interactions between various cultural actors. They will also learn to recognise the significance of their own networks in relation to the administration and funding in the sector, as well as for their success in their jobs.
Learning outcomes
After completing this course, students will
- be familiar with the system and structures of Finnish cultural policy;
- understand the position of their job or organisation in the broader administrative structure, networks and operating environments;
- have knowledge of the cultural funding system and be better able to take it into account in their work.
Additional information
Kurssi on osa Kulttuurialan hallinto, verkostot ja vaikuttaminen -opintokokonaisuutta. Se voidaan suorittaa joko osana opintokokonaisuutta tai yksittäisenä opintojaksona.
Study materials
Vastuuopettaja ilmoittaa oppimateriaalit.
Completion methods
Method 1
Verkkokurssi koostuu videoluennoista, luettavasta kirjallisuudesta ja oppimistehtävistä. Kurssi suoritetaan kolmessa vaiheessa, joista jokaiseen kuuluu oppimistehtävä.
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Parts of the completion methods
Independent study (5 cr)
Independent study
Grading scale: