HISA1006 Crises and Societal Change (5 cr)
Crisis is a basic concept in historical research through which events, breakthroughs and historical turning points have been analysed. In these studies students will learn more about the history of crises and the accompanying concepts and perspectives, likewise how to apply these critically in the scrutiny of various historical phenomena.
Learning outcomes
On completion of the studies students will
- identify changes in the concept of crisis from the Age of Enlightenment to the present day
- be able to critically assess the relation of crisis to societal change
- recognise the effect of economic crisis on societies, organisations and individuals
- be able to contemplate the political natures of the concept of crisis both historically and today
- understand how the concept is used to create historiographical narratives
- be able to differentiate between various types of crises/typologies
On completion of the studies through contact teaching students will also have
- acquired experience of groupwork and improved their interactive skills
- enhanced their oral interactive skills and negotiation skills
- acquired skills for operating in new situations
On completion of the studies through examinations on set books students will also have
- enhanced their problem-solving skills
- improved their written skills and argumentation skills
- acquired skills in the analysis of information and the ability to comprehend extensive entities
On completion of the studies by writing essays students will morever have
- learned more about information seeking and writing scientific text
- enhanced their written communication and argumentation skills
- acquired experience of project skills by planning their own actions and use of time
Additional information
Study materials
To complete the studies using set books students will select works from the following list in such a way as to acquire 5 points. Choice of books for essays to be agreed in advance with the teacher in charge.
- Richard Overy, The Inter-War Crisis (2nd ed. 2007) (1op)
- Kobrak, C., & Wilkins, M. (Eds.) History and Financial Crisis: Lessons from the 20th century (2014) (1op)
- Figes, Orlando: Revolutionary Russia, 1891-1991. A History (2014) (2op)
- Tepora, Tuomas, et al. Rikki revitty maa: Suomen sisällissodan kokemukset ja perintö. (2018) (2op)
- Kivimäki, Ville, Hytönen, Kirsi-Maria (toim.), Rauhaton rauha (2015) (2op)
- Parker, Geoffrey, Global Crisis (2013) (3op)
Completion methods
Method 1
Method 2
Method 3
Method 4
Participation in teaching (5 cr)
1/11–3/17/2024 Lectures
Independent study: essay (5 cr)
Opiskelija valitsee itse esseen aiheen, ja keskustelee siitä kurssin vastuuopettajan kanssa. Esseessä käytettävä kirjallisuus EI ole sama kuin kirjatenttien teokset. Esseen aihe määrittää käytettävän kirjallisuuden, joka pohjautuu aiheen kannalta keskeiseen tutkimuskirjallisuuteen.
Lisätietoja esseen muodosta, tyyliseikoista yms. löydät Historian ja etnologian laitoksen sivulta: https://www.jyu.fi/hytk/fi/laitokset/hela/opiskelu/opiskeluohjeet/ohjeet-esseen-kirjoittamiseen
8/1–12/31/2023 Essay
1/1–7/31/2024 Essay
Independent study: examination (5 cr)
8/1–12/31/2023 Exam
1/1–7/31/2024 Essay
Independent study (5 cr)
Katso tarkat suoritusohjeet Historian ja etnologian laitoksen verkkosivuilta ja sovi suorituksesta etukäteen tentaattorin kanssa.