FYSS4456 Experimental Methods in Particle Physics (5 cr)
ROOT data-analysis packet
Generating proton-proton collisions using PYTHIA event generator
FastJet computing packet
Simple Monte Carlo –simulations
Invariant mass method
Two-particle correlations
Jet rekonstruction in proton-proton collisions
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course the students are able to:
Create analysis macros to ROOT environment with C++
Create and use basic object and their services in ROOT environment, particularly histograms, functions, graphs and trees.
Find information on objects and how to use them from www-documentation
Create simple Monte Carlo -simulations
Simulate proton-proton collisions with PYTHIA event generator and pick up particles to own analysis code
Understand connection between two-particle correlations and jets
Can form two-dimensional correlations function from PYTHIA events and understand the basic properties of its projections
Can use FastJet –packet to reconstruction of jets and pick up individual jets and/or its constituents to own analysis
Understand the invariant mass method and can apply it to reconstruction of neutral pions
Can explain what one means with Minimum Bias and rare triggers in proton-proton events
Understands in qualitative level the single particle efficiency corrections caused by the imperfections of the detectors.More precisely, student can apply the given corrections in his/her analysis and knows their background, but cannot yet determine the corrections
Description of prerequisites
FYSA2031-FYSA2032 Quantum mechanics A&B and foundations of special relaticity
Recommended: particle physics, can be studies simultaneously
Programming experience with some object oriented language
Study materials
Lectures and lecture material in www
Documentation of ROOT, FastJet and PYTHIA
Completion methods
Method 1
Method 2
Teaching (5 cr)
Programming assignments and project work
Online lectures
Participation to small group meetings
Independent study (5 cr)
Independent use of online lectures and material and doing exercises based on them. Project work.