BMES004 Advanced Literature in Biomechanics I (3–5 cr)
Study level:
Advanced studies
Grading scale:
English, Finnish
Responsible organisation:
Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences
Curriculum periods:
2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024
Selected specific topics in biomechanics.
Completion methods
Self-study or lectures substituting literature.
Assessment details
Examination of literature and / or lectures.
Learning outcomes
Deepen knowledge in specific topics in biomechanics. After completing the course a student is able to:
- specifically classify/analyse biomechanical phenomena and their mechanisms
- specifically classify/analyse biomechanical phenomena and their mechanisms
Additional information
1st autumn or spring. Book exams 500 pages literature, Faculty's general exam dates
- Gandevia, S. C. (eds.). 1995. Fatigue: Neural and Muscular Mechanisms. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. Vol. 384. New York, USA: Plenum Press (541 s.).; ISBN: 0-306-45139-5 9781489910189
- Schleip, R., Findley, T. W., Chaitow, L. & Huijing, P. (eds.). 2012. Fascia: The Tensional Network of the Human Body. Elsevier. E-kirja (547 s.).; ISBN: 9780702052286
- Merletti, R., Parker P. J. 2004. Electromyography. Physiology, Engineering, and Noninvasive Applications. USA: Wiley. Chapters 1, 4, 5 and 6. (100 s.). E-kirja, E-tentti.; ISBN: 9780471678380
- Komi P. V. (ed.) 2011. Olympic Encyclopaedia of Sports Medicine - Neuromuscular Aspects of Sport Performance. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell (321 s.).; ISBN: 9781444324839 1444324837
- Hill A. V. 1970. First and Last Experiments in Muscle Mechanics. Cambridge, UK: University Press (140 s.).; ISBN: 0-521-07664-1
- Nigg, B. M. 2011. Biomechanics of Sports Shoes. Topline Printing Inc. (300 s.).; ISBN: 9780986742101
- Kandel, E. R., Schwartz J. H. & Jessell, T. M. 2000 or 2013. Principles of Neural Science. New York, USA. McGraw-Hill Medical (1719 s.).; ISBN: 978-0-07-139011-8
- Maffulli, N. and Almekinders, L. (eds.). 2007. The Achilles tendon. London: Springer. E-kirja (287 s.).; ISBN: 9781846286292
- Zatsiorsky, V. M., Prilutsky, B. 2012. Biomechanics of Skeletal Muscles. Human Kinetics (530 s.).; ISBN: 978-0-7360-8020-0 0-7360-8020-1
- Yamaguchi, G. T. 2006. Dynamic Modeling of Musculoskeletal Motion. A Vectorized Approach for Biomechanical Analysis in Three Dimensions. Springer (257 s.).; ISBN: 0-7923-7430-4 0-387-28704-3 978-0-7923-7430-5 978-0-387-28704-1
- Nigg, B. M., MacIntosh, B. R. & Mester, J. (eds). 2000. Biomechanics and biology of movement. Champaign, IL., USA: Human Kinetics (468 s.).; ISBN: 0-7360-0331-2
- Zatsiorsky, V. M. 2000. Biomechanics in Sport: Performance Enhancement and Injury Prevention. Cambridge, USA: Blackwell Science, University Press. E-kirja (681 s.).; ISBN: 9780470693049
Completion methods
Method 1
500 s kirjallisuutta, voi tenttiä 1 - 3 osassa
Evaluation criteria:
Kaikki tentit ovat samanarvoisia.
Select all marked parts
Method 2
Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods
Exam (5 cr)
Grading scale:
English, Finnish
10/2/2023–7/31/2024 Exam
Enrolment closedTeaching ended