BENA2004 Genetics (4 cr)

Study level:
Intermediate studies
Grading scale:
English, Finnish
Responsible organisation:
Department of Biological and Environmental Science
Curriculum periods:
2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024



Lectures involve classical mendelian genetics, DNA typing, transfer of genetic information, origin and repair of mutations, special features of prokaryotes, regulation of gene function and the basics of developmental genetics. Finally we shall get acquainted with the methods used in molecular genetic research and its applications. Learning tasks and exercises.

Completion methods

-Prepared handouts are the base of the course (in Optima)
-Independent study: the student is responsible for studying the first 3 chapters of the handouts prior to the course (For some this is new material; for others it is a review). Understanding of the material is is tested at the beginning of the lectures.
-Lecture: 9 lectures (each 2 hours); students complete exercises to enhance learning of the subjects covered during the lecture.
-Homework: For every lecture there are 2-3 homework tasks for testing understanding.
-Learning tasks: research plan related task for exploring use of genetic methods in modern research.
-Exam: Include 2 essay questions and questions similar to homework exercises.

Assessment details

learning tasks

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student masters the basic concepts of classical genetics and molecular biology and understands the passage of genetic information and the processes involved in gene regulation and developmental- and molecular genetics. The student also understands how this information can be exploited in modern genetics / molecular biology research methods and is able to apply this knowledge both in solving genetic problems and in following critically the development and coverage of the area.

Study materials

Hartl: Essential genetics and genomics, 7th ed.   


  • Hartl: Essential genetics and genomics, 7th ed. Kirja on saatavilla e-kirjana yliopiston kirjaston kautta.

Completion methods

Method 1

• Kurssin pohjana on oppikirja Hartl: Essential genetics and genomics, 7th ed. Kirja on saatavilla e-kirjana yliopiston kirjaston kautta. • Kirjan kolme ensimmäistä lukua kerrataan pääosin itsenäisesti, näiden lukujen materiaalista on itsenäisesti tarkastettava välikoe • Luennot: 9 luentoa ja yksi itseopiskelukerta. • Kotitehtävät: jokaiseen luentoon liittyy aihepiiriin liittyvä kotitehtävä, joka käydään yhdessä läpi seuraavan luennon alussa • Lisätehtävät: Moodlessa itsenäisesti täytettävät lisätehtävät. • Luentotentti: yhdistelmä lyhyempiä tehtäviä ja esseekysymyksiä.
Time of teaching:
Period 1
Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods

Teaching (4 cr)

Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
English, Finnish
