HISS2013 History of Political Cultures (5 cr)

Study level:
Advanced studies
Grading scale:
Responsible organisation:
Department of History and Ethnology
Curriculum periods:
2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024


Thorough grounding in different approaches to the history of political cultures.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student will:

  • be aware of the different interpretations related to the subject
  • recognise the approaches, theories, methods and source selections behind research results
  • based on knowledge of diverse literature, be able to conduct an analytical academic debate on the subject both orally and in writing
  • understand the dynamics of the key periods of political debate that shaped nationalism, democracy and parliamentarism
  • understand the formation and history of the concept of political cultures
  • be aware of the consequences of the political use of history
  • be able to compare political cultures in ways that deepen their understanding of lines of historical development, including long-term trends

After completing the course by book test, the student will also have

  • acquired advanced problem-solving skills
  • developed their academic communication and argumentation skills
  • deepened their expertise and honed their skills in analysing data and visualising broad areas

After completing the course by essay, the student will also have

  • acquired broader and more advanced information retrieval skills
  • developed their academic communication and argumentation skills
  • honed their expertise in analysing data and conceptualising broad issues
  • developed their project management skills by designing their own activities and planning their time.

Study materials

For the book exam, works are selected from the following list to make up a total of 5 cr. The essay book choices are agreed in advance with the course coordinators.


  • Hentilä, Seppo, Pitkät varjot : muistamisen historia ja politiikka (2018) (2 op)
  • Ihalainen, Pasi, Protestant Nations Redefined: Changing Perceptions of National Identity in the Rhetoric of English, Dutch and Swedish Public Churches, 1685–1772 (2005) (3 op)
  • Ihalainen, Pasi, Agents of the People: Democracy and Popular Sovereignty in British and Swedish Parliamentary and Public Debates, 1734–1800 (2010) (3 op)
  • Ihalainen, Pasi, The Springs of Democracy: National and Transnational Debates on Constitutional Reform in the British, German, Swedish and Finnish Parliaments, 1917–1919 (2017) (3 op)
  • Johnson, Robert Davies, Congress and the Cold War (2006) (2 op)
  • Pakier, Malgorzata & Bo Stråth (eds), A European Memory? Contested Histories and Politics of Remembrance (2010) (2 op)
  • Rentola, Kimmo, Stalin ja Suomen kohtalo (2016) (1 op)
  • Tuikka, Timo. Kekkosen konstit: Urho Kekkosen historia- ja politiikkakäsitykset teoriasta käytäntöön 1933-1981 (2007) (2 op)
  • Viitaniemi, Ella, Yksimielisyydestä yhteiseen sopimiseen. Paikallisyhteisön poliittinen kulttuuri ja Kokemäen kivikirkon rakennusprosessi 1730-1786 (2016) (2 op)

Completion methods

Method 1

Select all marked parts

Method 2

Select all marked parts

Method 3

Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods

Participation in teaching (5 cr)

Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
No published teaching

Independent study (5 cr)

Independent study
Grading scale:



Independent study (5 cr)

Independent study
Grading scale:
