ERIS1306 Well-being work as a basis for students’ ability to study (5 cr)

Study level:
Advanced studies
Grading scale:
Responsible organisation:
Department of Educational Sciences
Curriculum periods:
2022-2023, 2023-2024

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Opintojakso antaa valmiuksia parantaa oppilaiden ja opettajien hyvinvointia yksilön ja kouluyhteisön tasolla erityisesti yläkoulu- ja lukiokonteksteissa.


The course presents collective student welfare work, especially in the context of lower secondary and general upper secondary schools, introduces internal and external co-operation networks from the perspective of promoting the well-being of students and seeks to outline special needs teacher’s co-operation networks.

Educational phenomena include school engagement, absenteeism, bullying and dropping out of education. Activities promoting well-being at school and preventing students’ study problems are introduced.

Students become acquainted with school welfare plans and models in practice and make a plan to develop a school welfare model.

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to

- conceptualize the principles of collective and individual welfare work and build capacities to develop the welfare work at schools

- perceive school as a systemic organization

- identify different job descriptions of special needs teachers in schools’ internal and external cooperation networks
- identify and describe various phenomena related to student well-being (e.g. school engagement, absenteeism, early school leaving, bullying, teacher well-being) and apply interventions in this regard

- organize the teaching of students whose learning is arranged grade-independently

- recognize the importance of teacher's professional identity and strengthen it

Study materials

Oppimateriaali ilmoitetaan opetusohjelmassa.

Completion methods

Method 1

Erityispedagogiikan ja varhaiserityispedagogiikan tutkinto-ohjelmien opiskelijoille ja erillisiä erityisopettajan opintoja suorittaville (valinnainen opintojakso)
Evaluation criteria:
Aktiivinen osallistuminen, oppimistehtävän ja tentin tekeminen hyväksytysti.
Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods

classes and independent studying (5 cr)

Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
