KVVS9009 Migration in Global Society (3 cr)
Learning outcomes
The course addresses the changing nature of present-day concepts and social representations concerning migration, refugees (we all must have in mind the extraordinary impact of the 2015 refugee crisis in Europe) and citizenship in the real world, including public perceptions of these themes. The new configurations of migration, refugee and citizenship patterns in the contemporary world are to be understood within a framework of different scientific perspectives (mainly legal, sociological and political), according to the lecturer’s expertise. The law (one of the aspects) just go into effect when it is understood and accepted by the citizens. Students are encouraged to deeply understand this topic, not only as students but also as potential participative citizens (independently of their nationalities). Innovative forms of collaborative work, involving the students and the students and the lecturer, will be explored by using an interactive online platform. The work will be recorded (pro memoriam) in different ways.