HISA1008 Nature and the Environment (5 cr)
Study level:
Intermediate studies
Grading scale:
Responsible organisation:
Department of History and Ethnology
Curriculum periods:
2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023
These studies concern how humans have lived in
interaction with the natural world and transformed the global environment. Humans are not a separate element in the
natural world; they are an integral part of it.
Learning outcomes
On completion of the studies students will
- comprehend the changing relation between humans and the natural world in various historical contexts and from differing perspectives
- be aware of the options of history research to learn more about the course of the relation between humans and the natural world
- understand environmentally conscious thinking and actions in relation to the long term
- acknowledge national parks as a part of the global environment
- comprehend the reciprocal relationship pertaining between the environment/forests and humankind
- be able to compare the histories of forestry in the countries of northern Europe mindful of the developing environmental awareness
On completion of the studies through contact teaching students will also have
- acquired experience of groupwork and improved their interactive skills
- enhanced their oral interactive skills and negotiation skills
- acquired skills for operating in new situations
On completion of the studies through examinations on set books students will also have
- enhanced their problem-solving skills
- improved their written skills and argumentation skills
- acquired skills in the analysis of information and the ability to comprehend extensive entities
On completion of the studies by writing essays students will morever have
- learned more about information seeking and writing scientific text
- enhanced their written communication and argumentation skills
- acquired experience of project skills by planning their own actions and use of time
Additional information
Active participation in teaching and written assignments or lecture exam. Completion by independent study – essay or book exam. Active participation in the study group and written assignments.
Study materials
To complete the studies using set books students will select works from the following list in such a way as to acquire 5 points. Choice of books for essays to be agreed in advance with the teacher in charge.
- Maailman ympäristöhistoria. Hughes, J. Donald (suomentanut Jyrki Vainonen) (2008) (3 op)
- Civilizing Nature. National Parks in Global Historical Perspective. Edited by Bernhard Gissibl, Sabine Höhler and Patrick Kupper. (2015) (2op)
- Ihminen ja metsä. Kohtaamisia arjen historiassa 1 & 2. Heikki Roiko-Jokela (toim.), Jaana Luttinen, Erkki Laitinen, Janne Haikari (2012) (3op)
- Managing Northern Europe's Forests. Histories from the Age of Improvement to the Age of Ecology. Edited by K. Jan Oosthoek and Richard Hölzl. (2018) (2op)
- The Environment and World History. Edited by Edmund Burke III, Kenneth Pomeranz (2009) (3op)
- The Basic Environmental History. Editors: Agnoletti, Mauro, Neri Serneri, Simone (2014) (2op)
- Suomen ympäristöhistoria 1700-luvulta nykypäivään. Toimittajat: Ruuskanen, Esa; Schönach, Paula; Väyrynen Kari (2021) (2op)
Completion methods
These completion methods are for University of Jyväskylä degree students. Other options:
Method 1
Select all marked parts
Method 2
Select all marked parts
Method 3
Select all marked parts
Method 4
Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods
Participation in teaching (5 cr)
Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
9/9–11/25/2021 Lectures
1/12–4/27/2022 Lectures
Independent study: essay (5 cr)
Independent study
Grading scale:
Study methods:
Ota yhteyttä tentaattoriin ja sovi esseen kirjoituksesta hänen kanssaan.
8/1–12/31/2021 Essay
1/1–7/31/2022 Essay
8/1–12/31/2022 Essay
Independent study: examination (5 cr)
Independent study
Grading scale:
Study methods:
Voit tehdä tentin kahdella tavalla, joko
eTenttinä tai verkkotenttinä. Mikäli teet eTentin, varaa aika
Exam-järjestelmässä. Mikäli teet verkkotentin, sovi asiasta tentaattorin kanssa
8/1–12/31/2021 Exam
1/1–7/31/2022 Exam
8/1–12/31/2022 Exam
Independent study (5 cr)
Independent study
Grading scale:
Study methods:
Katso tarkat suoritusohjeet Historian ja etnologian laitoksen verkkosivuilta ja sovi suorituksesta etukäteen tentaattorin kanssa.