ECOS1070 Ecology (5 cr)
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Ecological theories, current ecological knowledge at individual, population, community and ecosystem level. Ecological theory and its applications
Learning outcomes
- is able to understand and describe basic ecological theories at individual, population, community and ecosystem level
- can explain with examples, how ecological theories explain nature
- understands how the ecological theory can be applied at each hierarchical level
- can explain in principle general features of ecological application with specific examples.
Additional information
Learning diary means that you write a short summary (max 2000 characters with spaces) of the main content of the chapter. What was in your opinion the main content and how it increased the knowledge compared to the previous chapters. Own words means, that you should not copy the summary parts of the chapters. Finally you write 1 page book review of the quality of the book and how readable it was.
When you have returned the one document, inform Janne Kotiaho with email.Learning diary means that you write a short summary (max 2000 characters with spaces) of the main content of the chapter. What was in your opinion the main content and how it increased the knowledge compared to the previous chapters. Own words means, that you should not copy the summary parts of the chapters. Finally you write 1 page book review of the quality of the book and how readable it was.
When you have returned the one document, inform Janne Kotiaho with email.
- Michael Begon, Colin R. Townsend, John L. Harper: Ecology, 4h edition; ISBN: 978-1-4051-1117-1
- (5th edition) Ecology, from individuals to ecosystems, Begon & Townsend.
Completion methods
Method 1
Method 2
Method 3
Teaching (5 cr)
Exam (5 cr)