XUN0098 Each one teach one/Hungarian (3 cr)
Each One Teach One is a pair/group programme coordinated by the University of Jyväskylä Language Centre. The students teach each other their mother tongues or the languages of their education, and study the language of their partner. The students should be native-like in the language they teach, but otherwise the students aren't expected to have had any training as a teacher or language teacher. EOTO teachers instruct students and meet them at least twice during the programme.
Completion methods
You meet with your partner regularly, usually once or twice a week. Each language should be studied for at least 20 hours face to face (20+20 hours). In addition to the meetings, you complete homework exercises and write about each meeting on a personal blog.
You can start the programme at any time during the semester, but it should be completed within the same academic year. It’s good to notice that if you meet for example twice a week for 3 - 4 hours in total it will take you approximately three months to complete the programme.