TIES6070 Research Ethics (2 cr)

Study level:
Advanced studies
Grading scale:
English, Finnish
Responsible organisation:
Faculty of Information Technology
Curriculum periods:
2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023



An ethical framework for assessing the impact of information technology, ethics of algorithms, Codes of the responsible conduct of research, the codes of professional ethics in computer science, research funders’ ethical codes, the European guidelines for responsible conduct of research work

Completion methods

The course is accomplished by writing a scientific essay.


Basis of assessment (1-5)

Solid ethical views require diverse argumentation and assessment against different requirements. Therefore the evaluation of the exams concerns both 1) an ability to recognize and ponder ethical issues in IT and 2) an ability to apply ethical guidelines to IT research. The material of the essay provides enough material for passing the course, when read and scrutinized carefully in a good scientific manner in the essay.

Learning outcomes

The Research Ethics course gives the learners a developed 1) understanding of the foundations and guidelines of research ethics inherent in the responsible conduct of research, and an 2) ability to evaluate the ethical features and impact of information technology.

Study materials

Esseessä käytettävät materiaalit. Lähdeviitteet APA-standardin mukaan/materials used in the essay, citations according to APA-standard

Finnish speaking students:

Wright, D. (2011). A framework for the ethical impact assessment of information technology. Ethics & Information Technology 13:199–226. DOI 10.1007/s10676-010-9242-6.

Kraemer, F., van Overveld, K & Peterson, M. (2011). Is there an ethics of algorithms? Ethics & Information Technology 13:251–260. DOI 10.1007/s10676-010-9233-7.

Tutkimuseettisen neuvottelukunnan ohjeet, sivut 4-9 https://www.tenk.fi/sites/tenk.fi/files/HTK_ohje_2012.pdf

Tietojenkäsittelytieteiden eettiset koodit, esimerkkinä ACM, sections 1-4 https://www.acm.org/code-of-ethics

ALLEA The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity https://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/other/hi/h2020-ethics_code-of-conduct_en.pdf

English speaking students:

Wright, D. (2011). A framework for the ethical impact assessment of information technology. Ethics & Information Technology 13:199–226. DOI 10.1007/s10676-010-9242-6.

Kraemer, F., van Overveld, K & Peterson, M. (2011). Is there an ethics of algorithms? Ethics & Information Technology 13:251–260. DOI 10.1007/s10676-010-9233-7.

Guidelines of the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity, pages 28-33 https://www.tenk.fi/sites/tenk.fi/files/HTK_ohje_2012.pdf

Professional codes of the American Computing Machinery, sections 1-4 https://www.acm.org/code-of-ethics

ALLEA The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity https://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/other/hi/h2020-ethics_code-of-conduct_en.pdf

Completion methods

Method 1

Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods

Essay (2 cr)

Grading scale:
English, Finnish
