IHMJ3110 Narrative Research & Practice Intensive Course (3 cr)
Narrative Research & Practice Intensive Course
University of Jyväskylä, Finland
With Kitrina Douglas
This course is an intensive study of narrative research and practice aimed at equipping students with the skills and expertise to conduct a narrative piece of research and publish the finding. The course progresses from developing a methodological, theoretical and ethical base for narrative inquiry in week one, through to conducting a narrative study and creating publishable findings. The lectures are augmented with additional reading, links and study each week. Each participant will also receive course notes, references, and copies of power point presentations. Together the course will foster a deeper appreciation for narrative inquiry as well as a greater understanding of its limits and uses.
Dates May Thurs 6th Friday 14th Thursday 20th Thursday 27
9.15-16 in Zoom.