HISS2004 Thesis Workshop (5 cr)

Study level:
Advanced studies
Grading scale:
Responsible organisation:
Department of History and Ethnology
Curriculum periods:
2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023


Completing the master’s thesis.

Learning outcomes

  • edistetään omaa tutkielmaa ja annetaan vertaistukea muille
  • viimeistellään maisteriseminaarin aikana aloitettu maisterintutkielma

    Additional information

    The theses workshop starts immediately after the master's seminar, in the following autumn, usually, therefore, in the fifth year of study.

    Students commit to participating in workshop activities for at least one semester, and stay in the group until they submit the thesis for pre-examination.

    The workshop meetings focus on setting targets, agreeing on timetables, a review of a virtual debate and then on the remaining open questions.

    The minimum requirement is active participation in at least one semester (meetings about five times per semester), at least one oral and one written report and commenting on at least five of the texts presented to the workshop.

    The workshop is marked as completed when the thesis has passed the pre-examination.

    If a thesis is already completed before the start of the thesis workshop next semester, students may replace the master’s thesis workshop with an informal presentation of the thesis at the master’s seminar.

    Completion methods

    Method 1

    Select all marked parts
    Parts of the completion methods

    Participation in teaching (5 cr)

    Participation in teaching
    Grading scale:
