CEMS2110 Sustainability Transition and Business (5 cr)
Discussing on current megatrends and socio-technical change factors, which formulate business environment. Introducing multi-disciplinary concepts and discourses related to sustainability transition such as green growth, de-growth, bioeconomy, circular economy and service-based economy. Presenting mainline approaches to the socio-technical change (e.g. transition management, strategic niche management, multilevel perspective). Discussing on new business potential and change management in organizations. Introducing global, regional and sector/company level case examples of sustainability transition. Giving a brief introduction to foresight approaches with related group assignment by applying backcasting approach. Deepening knowledge by individually written assignment.
Connection of Course Contents to UN Sustainable Development Goals:
This course supports several UN Sustainable Development Goals, namely 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth, 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, 12 Responsible Production and Consumption and 13 Climate Action by presenting various concepts and approaches related to sustainability transition. Specific emphasis is given to the companies’ role, resources and practices (such as resource-efficiency and innovativeness) to facilitate transition towards more sustainable circular economies. In addition, UN Development goals 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities, 15 Life on Land and 17 Partnerships are closely connected to the presented case companies and studies (from forest-based industries in particular). The latter goals are also supported by participative backcasting workshop practice, in which knowledge sharing and local community perspectives are seen as core sustainability facilitators.
Learning outcomes
-identify prevailing change factors and key concepts related to sustainability transition
-explain and reflect main approaches to socio-technical change
-describe industry life cycle concept
-explain and give examples about new business potential created by current megatrends
-understand change management practices and resources
-understand basic principles of foresight studies
-produce group assignment by applying backcasting approach
Description of prerequisites
Study materials
Lecture slides and other references/materials given at the lecture