FYSJ5101 Spin Qubits in Solid-state: Introduction, Implementation and Operation (JSS29) (2 cr)
Quantum computing and quantum sensing are fields where rapid development is expected to lead to real world applications in the very near future. One of the most promising platforms for creating these new technologies are spin states in the solid state. The course starts by introducing the basic concepts of spin physics (like Larmor precession, spin resonance, exchange oscillations etc.) and quantum bits (Pauli matrices, Bloch sphere representation, quantum gates…) and moves then to the single spin quantum devices and their operation (spin readout and initialization mechanisms, spin control, fidelity estimation and verification, 2-qubit systems, singlet-triplet states, two-qubit gates, multi-qubit systems, error detection and correction…). After the course the participant should have a good understanding of different spin qubit platforms in the solid state, how they can be controlled and readout and what are the most important hurdles at the moment for future applications. There will also be small numerical simulation tasks.
Completion methods
Attendance in lectures and solving exercise problems (80%).