BENS5059 Laboratory animal science course (5 cr)

Study level:
Advanced studies
Grading scale:
English, Finnish
Responsible organisation:
Department of Biological and Environmental Science
Curriculum periods:
2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020



Persons working with experimental animals must have adequate education and training before they are allowed to start their work. This course will give necessary information and guidance how to design the projects and how to apply the license for animal experiments. The course is intended especially for those, who will work with animals during their studies/during their thesis works/in future employment.

Lectures: ethics, animal welfare and 3R principle, legislation, design of animal experiments, cost/benefit analysis, severity classification, anestesia and analgesia, common experimental animals and their characteristics, critical assesment of the results and their reporting.
Practicals with rodents and fish: administration of chemicals, blood samples, anestesia and analgesia, autopsy
Written project (team) work with presentation: Communication & dissemination of information, analysis of scientific literature.
Location: Konnevesi Research Station.

Completion methods

Lectures, demostratons and discussion groups. Compulsory attendance.

Assessment details

Group works (written and oral), final written examination.

Learning outcomes

After successfull completion of the course the student:
- knows the legislation and 3R-principles when using animals in experiments
- is aware of species-specific biology, behaviour and environmental and dietary needs of animals and their welfare monitoring
- knows the basic handling and dosing principles, basics of anestesia and analgesia
- is able to design an animal experiment and to apply for a project licence from the National Animal Experiment Board
- knows the principles of scientific reporting and critical evaluation of scientific articles
After successful completion of the course, the participants will receive a certificate where it will be stated that the participants have received education and training on the basis of the Finnish and European legislation for the protection of animals used for scientific or educational purposes (Function B: To design procedures or projects). The course also gives excellent readiness for future training aimed at achieving the species-specific competence in the functions A (to carry out procedures), C (to take care of animals), and D (to kill animals).

Additional information

Opiskelijat otetaan kurssille pääosin opintopisteiden perusteella, mutta rajatapauksissa kannattaa perustella miksi juuri sinun olisi päästävä kurssille nimenomaan tänä vuonna. Mikäli joku peruuttaa osallistumisensa viimeisen peruutuspäivän jälkeen ilman pätevää syytä (esim. terveydelliset syyt, lääkärintodistus esitettävä), häneltä evätään mahdollisuus osallistua seuraavan vuoden kurssille (mikäli karsintaa joudutaan tekemään). Se, että ei saanutkaan töistä vapaata, ei kelpaa peruuttamisen syyksi.

Mikäli suurin osallistujamäärä ylittyy, tehdään valinta opintopisteiden ja opiskelijan ilmoittautumislomakkeella antamien perusteluiden perusteella. Etusijalla ovat oman laitoksen opiskelijat. Jos olet joltain muulta laitokselta niin varmista laitoksesi maksuvalmius (n. 400 e) kurssikustannusten kattamiseen. Esimerkiksi kemian laitos ei suostu maksamaan perusopiskelijoiden kustannuksia, joten kemian opiskelijoiden ei kannata kurssille ilmoittautua.

Kurssin väliviikolle ei kannata varata muuta erityistä tekemistä, koska sillä viikolla joudutte työstämään ryhmätöitä.

Description of prerequisites

Basics of statistics.

Completion methods

Method 1

Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods

Teaching (5 cr)

Participation in teaching
Grading scale:
English, Finnish
