CEMY5120 Climate Now (3–5 op)

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Jyväskylän yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu
2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020



Climate.now comprises of three central themes: 1) the scientific foundation of climate
change (incl. the greenhouse effect, the carbon cycle, climate models); 2) mitigation of climate
change (incl. carbon neutral energy and production of renewable energy, carbon footprint, climate
policy) 3) effects and adaptation (incl. ecosystem services, feedback mechanisms, adaptation to
climate change).
The proposed course structure consists of:
1. Contact sessions (4 x 2–4h)
2. Small group meetings (8 x 2h)
3. Online study material to be completed independently (incl. multiple choice questions)
4. Project assignment 1: a project assignment to be completed in small groups. Students apply the
topics on the course to the contexts given and, through local and global perspectives, gain a more
in-depth understanding of what they have learned.
5. Project assignment 2: a project related to the student’s own field of study. The project is
determined by the teacher.
6. Learning diary


Contact teaching course, spring semester, 4th period. The study methods of the contact teaching course are specified in the study program annually.


Accepted completion of the designated assignments. The assessment criteria of the course is specified in the study program annually.


The objective of the course is to provide the student with basic knowledge about
climate change as a scientific phenomenon, as well as about mitigating it and adapting to it. The
student understands the basics of how climate functions and is able to define causes and
consequences of climate change. The student can explain what measures can be taken to mitigate climate change and how it is possible to adapt to it. The student is able to look at climate change from various perspectives and make connections between the environment, the economy and different parts of society. The student recognises climate change as a global, human and ethical challenge. The student reflects on his or her own role in climate change and is able to apply what has been learned on the course to his or her own field of study. The student can look for solutions to the climate challenge in a variety of ways and examine the different perspectives, solutions, sources of information and the current debate about climate change from a critical point of view.


Course is based on Climate.now materials


Tapa 1

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Osallistuminen opetukseen (3–5 op)

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