Master's Degree Programme in Development and International Cooperation, Specialisation in Environmental Science

Filosofian maisteri
Tutkinto-ohjelman tyyppi:
Ylempi tutkinto-ohjelma
120 op
Bio- ja ympäristötieteiden laitos, Matemaattis-luonnontieteellinen tiedekunta
2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020


The International Master’s Programme in Development and International Cooperation (D&IC) is a two-year, interdisciplinary 120 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) programme leading to an advanced university degree. The programme contains three specialisation options: Development Studies, Education, and Environmental Science. Successful completion of the programme with a specialization in Development Studies leads to a degree of Master of Social Science, a specialisation in Education leads to a degree of Master of Education, and a specialisation in Environmental Science leads to a degree of Master of Science. The programme comprises three semesters of on-campus studies. The fourth semester (usually Fall of the second year), is reserved for a compulsory international internship.


Graduates of the programme will have acquired the intellectual tools and practical skills required to function creatively and effectively in both global and local development contexts. This comprises an ability to identify the interests associated with various actors in concrete development arenas; to understand the range of resources and capacities available to competing and collaborating actors; to critically assess the aims expressed in development policy texts and documents; and to grasp the complex relationship between policy and reality.

The student understands the basis of environmental system and its relationship with human activities. She/he is able to characterize and analyze human impact on the environment by using multidisciplinary scientific methods. The student understands the research strategies, collection, management, evaluation and interpretation of (environmental) data and is able for creative and critical thinking. She/he knows the means to prevent, reduce and remediate the adverse environmental impacts of human activities in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by managerial and technological approaches. The student has achieved professional competence to carry out her/his career in the areas of research, education, administration, consultancy and industry.


Valitse kaikki (117–122 op)