YRIS2210 Competitive and Organizational Strategy (5 op)

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Jyväskylän yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu
2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020



In the field of strategic management we are interested in the major intended and emergent initiatives taken by managers on behalf of owners, involving utilization of organizational resources and key capabilities, to enhance the performance and competitive advantage of firms in their external environments. Thus, in this course we focus on deepen students' knowledge of the different theoretical approaches examining these issues. These include e.g. the industry/positioning view, the resource-based view, the competitive dynamics view, the stakeholder view, the institutional view, and the behavioral view on strategy. A central aim of the course is to help students to ‘see behind’ all such theorizations and frameworks in order to be able to critically evaluate their theoretical validity and practical applicability.


Contact teaching course, autumn semester 2nd period. The stydy methods of the contact teaching course are specified in the study program annually.


Accepted completion of the designated assignments. The assessment criteria of the course is specified in the study program annually.


On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- Understand what is strategy and strategic management
- Provide an analytical explanation of what makes some companies successful and others to fail
- Capture the cognitive aspects in strategic decision making, and the dynamics of the strategy process, in their contexts
- Understand how institutional settings constrain managerial action
- Understand the background assumptions and limitations of the different approaches and apply these views and ideas in her/his master's thesis and future employment.


Academic year I. In the mandatory major subject courses of the IBE programme there is required attendance of 80% of all lecture hours.


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