XENX001 Academic Reading (3 op)

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Hyväksytty - hylätty
englanti, suomi
2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020



The course focuses on developing academic reading skills and strategies, and vocabulary strategies for reading extensive discipline specific texts. Critical information management and activation of communication skills will also be included. The focus of the course varies depending on the discipline, student needs etc.

Assignments include development of effective reading strategies and study skills, searching and evaluating information, and explaining concepts and terminology. In addition, reporting research information in one’s own words in Finnish and in English is an important skill to be practised. Interactive teaching involving individual, pair- and group work. Attendance is compulsory.


Kurssi on kontaktiopetusta, jossa läsnäolovelvollisuus (kurssin suorittaminen edellyttää vähintään 80 %:n läsnäoloa opetustunneilla), sekä itseopiskeluna kirjallisia tehtäviä. Opetukseen sisältyy eri tyyppistä yksilö-, pari- ja ryhmätyöskentelyä. Lopputyönä laaditaan lyhennelmä oman alan aikakauslehden artikkelista tai kirjallisuudesta. Opiskelija voi tehdä lyhennelmän myös esim. oman alansa tenttikirjasta (tai sen osasta).


Continuous assessment is based on active participation in classroom activities including individual, pair and co-operative group work in English and in Finnish, and presentations in English. Successful completion of all assignments.


On completion of the course, students are expected to:

- have developed appropriate strategies for extensive and intensive reading (e.g. to skim, scan and locate the main points)
- have learnt academic study skills required for critical information management and evaluation (e.g. search, use and evaluate electronic tools and references)
- be able to identify various types of academic research reporting types and argumentation (e.g. qualitative vs. quantitative research reports, reviews, argumentative texts)
- to be able to identify and distinguish disciplinary and intercultural conventions and concepts, and terminology used in the field
- know how to discuss, summarise, synthesise and formulate research information in their own words orally and in written form in Finnish and/or in English
- be able to do self and peer assessments and to work in teams.


Opintojakson järjestää JY:n avoin yliopisto.

Esitietojen kuvaus

Proficiency level B2-C1.
Lähtötasona lukion kielitaito tai sitä vastaavat taidot englannissa.


Tapa 1

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