ITKS452 Requirements Engineering (5 op)

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Informaatioteknologian tiedekunta
2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020



This course is an introduction into Requirements Engineering (RE) field. RE deals with constructing and managing of requirements for a computer-based system, aiming for effective (meeting stakeholders, expectations) and efficient (time, cost, and human resources) development of the system. The course provides an overview of different activities in the requirements development and management processes, explains how RE fits into a broader software or system engineering process, highlights the essential role of communication in RE - especially in multicultural software development environments, provides an understanding of the main challenges in requirements engineering The course is designed to be practice-oriented. It discusses the good industry practices available at present, which are to a large extent informal. Formal and other structured approaches to RE are not treated to any significant extent. The course is designed mainly for students in software engineering. However, it also fits well the interests of those who study software-related business topics. Since RE is a multidisciplinary field as such and related to many other fields, students from other faculties may benefit from the course as well.


RE course is a web-based course. To complete the course succesfully an accepted group work (=group learning diary + group exercise work) or an independent learning diary is needed depending on which term you take the course. You can take the course in Autumn, Spring or Summer term. In Autumn term course, the study mode is group working or independent working depending on a year (Note! These are not options in one Autumn course). In Spring term study mode is group working. In Summer term study mode is independent working.


Learning diary (group diary or independent): clearly written, right answers based on the course materials and includes own innovative and reflective thinking
Group exercise work: clearly defined project, clearly written RE documents, done according to templates/guidelines, innovative project (could be SPIN OFF)


The learning outcomes of the course are: students understand main activities of requirements engineering, students understand main components of requirements engineering, students can develop requirements, students can manage requirements, students can create vision and scope documents students, can create use cases documents, students can create software requirements specification documents, students understand multicultural communication issues in RE, students understand essential challenges and research issues in requirements engineering.

Esitietojen kuvaus

Basics of object-oriented analysis and design. TIEA301 and TIEA302 highly recommeded.


Wigers, K. and Beatty, J., “Software Requirements”, Third edition 2013. (e-book in JYU digital library)
LECTURE NOTES (will be in Optima)
COS examples and templates (will be in Optima)
Heimbürger, A., Kiyoki, Y. and Ylikotila, T. 2011. Communication Across Cultures in the Context of Multicultural Software Development. Reports of the Department of Mathematical Information Technology. Series C. Software and Computational Engineering. No. C 1/2011. 64 p. (will be in Optima)
Requirements Engineering Journal (JYU Digital library)
RE articles given by the supervising teacher.


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