FYSS3552 Laserit ja hiukkasloukut ydinfysiikan tutkimuksessa (5 op)

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Fysiikan laitos
2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020



Nuclear ground state properties; hyperfine interaction and the isotope shift; atomic mass spectrometry; principle of a Penning trap, Paul trap, multi-reflection time-of-flight (MR-TOF) separator; basic principles of lasers; laser spectroscopy methods; introduction to atom traps


Assignments, examination, written assignment, presentation


The final grade is based on the final exam (60 %), exercises (20 %), trap-related essay (10 %) and laser-related essay (10 %).


At the end of this course, students will be able to list common nuclear ground state property observables (mass, spin, electromagnetic moments, charge radii etc.) and relate these to the underlying nuclear structure. Students will be able to use the interaction Hamiltonian associated with the magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments to calculate the energy splitting in atomic levels, and show how hyperfine structure arises from transitions between these levels. They will be able to use first order perturbation theory to calculate the Field shift and combine with the mass shift to extract isotope shifts. They will be able to identify different types of lasers the basic operation in connection to the Einstein coefficients as well as discuss different techniques of laser spectroscopy including Doppler-free methods and in-source spectroscopy. Students will be able to identify the different broadening processes associated with atomic transitions and the environment, calculate the selectivity in a multi-step excitation scheme, iIdentify different types of ion traps used in nuclear physics and explain working principles of Paul and Penning traps and multi-reflection time-of-flight separators as well as describe ion motion in a Penning trap and utilize the motions to purify ion samples or measure ion’s mass.


Given on spring semester 2nd period, every two years starting spring 2019.

Esitietojen kuvaus

Before enrolling to this course, students are expected to have basic knowledge of electromagnetism and to have taken the course Nuclear Physics (FYSS3300).


Lecture slides and associated lecture notes (ppt, pdf); Stored charged particles –notes by prof. Klaus Blaum and Dr. Sven Sturm; Relevant articles (will be given throughout the course).


  • F.G. Major, V.N. Gheorghe and G. Werth: Charged Particle Traps, Springer-Verlag 2005. ISBN 3-540-22043-7
  • J. Wilson and J.F.B. Hawkes, Lasers: Principles and Applications, Prentice Hall Europe (1987)
  • W. Demtröder, Laser Spectroscopy, Springer-Verlag (2003)


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