XPO0002 Portuguese 2 (4 cr)

Study level:
Other studies
Grading scale:
English, Portuguese
Responsible organisation:
Language Centre
Curriculum periods:
2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020



This course is for beginners in Portuguese, whether Finnish or exchange students, and it focuses on Brazilian Portuguese. In this course, learners will develop their skills while also exploring Brazilian culture – with all its eccentricity and interesting peculiarities.

Completion methods

Each class session is a mixture of large-class lectures, in class discussions, and in class individual and group participation. When in class, learners are expected to actively participate and engage in coursework. In addition, students are also expected to complete simple, small homework assignments outside of class as part of their coursework. It is important to note that while this course focuses on developing the four language skills (speaking, listening, writing, and reading), grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and culture are integrated into the course syllabus in a natural and meaningful way.

Assessment details

Learners are expected to complete a simple project in class which includes a written assignment and a short presentation on a topic related to their lives and interests. In addition, at the end of the course, an exam is held (skill-areas: speaking, listening comprehension, reading comprehension, grammar, and vocabulary). The grade students receive is based on performance in the different components of the exam.
Project (40%)
Oral exam (30%)
Written exam (30%)

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, learners are expected to:

be able to use simple language to describe themselves and others with some detail, as well as places, events, experiences, preferences, and immediate needs;
be able to engage in simple and direct exchanges of information without undue effort, as well as in short conversations about familiar and routine matters such as shopping, getting around, or work;
be able to start, maintain and end a simple conversation, indicating when they are following or asking for clarification when they are not;
be able to give a short presentation on a topic pertinent to their life, providing reasons and explanations for their ideas;
understand simple, common sentences related to areas of immediate relevance if directed at them;
understand the topic of discussion in monologues and dialogues around them, as well as essential information provided given they concern everyday matters;
understand announcements, instructions, regulations and simple messages;
understand the main idea and details of short simple texts through locating and isolating the necessary information;
write simple texts about themselves and their interests, as well as texts relating to matters in areas of immediate need (e.g. notes, posters, invites, e-mails, personal letters, etc.)
feel comfortable in an environment where Portuguese is spoken;
understand aspects of Brazilian culture and manners, establishing links between language, culture, history and society;

Overall, this course aims at consolidating A1 level and reaching lower A2 level, as outlined by the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/en/resources/european-language-levels-cefr

In addition, by the end of the course, learners are also expected to:

be able to search for relevant information on Brazil and the Portuguese language, using trustworthy sources;
be able to use tools such as dictionaries or online translators to produce language accurately;
be able to interact with speakers of Portuguese while demonstrating sensitivity and respect towards their customs and culture;
be able to use different learning techniques to organize and advance in their learning;
have developed an understanding of why learning Portuguese is relevant in today’s world;

Description of prerequisites

Some knowledge of Portuguese or the completion of Portuguese 1 (XPO0001).

Study materials

The course material used is a learning package developed to meet the needs of beginner-level learners. The package will be available on Moodle for printing and consultation.

Completion methods

Method 1

Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods
Unpublished assessment item