XENX023 E-Learning Module: Academic Vocabulary (2 cr)
This course is for independent study and uses the Moodle learning platform. Its aim is to improve your knowledge of English academic vocabulary. There are no classroom meetings for this course. The module should take roughly 30 hours to complete.
Completion methods
A partly tutored e-learning course. All the course material is in the course workspace in Moodle https://moodle.jyu.fi/course/view.php?id=1403. All registered students should automatically gain access to the workspace. If this is not the case, please contact the course facilitator.
Assessment details
ASSESSMENT: The required learning tasks and deadlines (which are called 'check-in dates') are listed in Moodle. You can decide yourself before which check-in date to submit your assignments for assessment. It is recommended that the modules are completed within one term (autumn term = September-December, spring term = January-May). After the check-in date, it will take one or two weeks for you to get the feedback and for the course credit to show in Sisu. Grading scale is pass / fail.
Learning outcomes
- more strategies for learning new words
- a wider range of academic English vocabulary