KLAS1409 Learning and 21st Century Competencies: Collaboration, Creativity, and Technology (5 cr)

Study level:
Advanced studies
Grading scale:
English, Finnish
Responsible organisation:
Department of Educational Sciences
Curriculum periods:
2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020



Core skills needed in working life, creativity, sense making in learning, collaborative learning

Completion methods

Completion modes:
Participation in contact teaching and/or independent study, learning assignments and/or exam. Mode of completion to be specified in the Study Programme.

Assessment details

Assessment criteria: Active participation in teaching and completing and passing learning assignments/exam.

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course, students will
- have a fuller understanding of the nature of learning and the competencies needed in future learning environments
- be able to apply theories of collaborative learning and creativity in changing teaching and learning situations

Study materials

Learning materials:
Hämäläinen, R. & Vähäsantanen, K. (2011). Theoretical and pedagogical perspectives on orchestrating creativity and collaborative learning. Educational Research Review, 6, 169–184.
Arvaja, M. (2015). Experiences in sense making: Health science students’ I-positioning in an online philosophy of science course. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 24, 137-175.
De Wever, B., Hämäläinen, R., Voet, M. & Gielen, M. (2015). A wiki task for first-year university students: The effect of scripting students' collaboration. The Internet and Higher Education. 25, 37–44.
Fischer, F., Kollar, I., Stegmann, K. & Wecker, C. (2013). Towards a script theory of guidance in computer-supported collaborative learning. Educational Psychologist, 48, 56-66
See also other study materials mentioned in the study programme.

See also other study materials mentioned in the study programme.

Completion methods

Method 1

Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods
Unpublished assessment item